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Friday, March 21, 2025

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Tagged with: City Hall

Who gets to plan SF’s future—and will the people who live here have a say?

That's the essential issue in the Nov. 5 local election. Here's some historical context.

Watch: Catching up on the mayor’s race and allegations of political corruption  

Tune in to the the first two parts of our special video primer on allegations and accusations in this year's elections.

‘Where Do We Go’ launches new campaign against homeless sweeps

Organizers vow to set up new encampments in public spaces every time cities evict the unhoused.

A South African photographer captures colorful Tenderloin souls

Pieter Hugo dropped everything to wander the neighborhood for months, documenting the pathos and playfulness of its denizens.

Mayor’s race gets ugly … and weird

The mayor's race is becoming a sprint to the finish, with ballots getting mailed out to voters this week—and it's getting predictable nasty ......

Expanding rent control, stopping the city from towing people’s homes ….

... and what's up with Breed's School District strike force? That's The Agenda for Sept. 29 to Oct. 6

SF Landlord lobby seeks to kill bonds for public health and affordable housing

Apartment Association, in pissy revenge move, puts $50,000 into defeating Prop. B

Why corruption matters

This attitude in Breed's administration of accepting low-level sleaze is undermining faith in government and nonprofits, and that's a serious threat to all of us.

OPINION: It’s time to build affordable housing in Hayes Valley

We have a shovel-ready site and money to fund 100 units. Why is Mayor Breed delaying the project?

San Francisco can Make Golf Safe Again

Imagine the headlines: 'SF bans assault weapons on local golf courses.' What is Trump going to say?