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Sunday, March 9, 2025

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Tagged with: Donald Trump

The North Korea summit: We have been here before

Police wearing Darth Vader helmets and carrying shotguns mounted with tear gas launchers lined up ready for battle. Fifty yards away, tens of thousands...

Ron Conway money helps GOP effort to keep control of Congress

Ron Conway, the powerbroker who is helping raise money and push for the election of Sup. London Breed as mayor, just contributed the maximum...

The Trump ally trying to defeat universal childcare in SF

A giant New York real estate group with ties to Donald Trump hads dumped $100,000 into opposing Sup. Jane Kim’s universal child-care measure. The No...

Foreign correspondent: What will Iran do now?

FOREIGN CORRESPONDENT President Donald Trump announced that the US is pulling out of the Iran nuclear accord--and Iranians are really pissed. Thousands of Iranians demonstrated...

Chronicle reporting on Kim backfires

A Chronicle story that was shaping up as a hit piece on Jane Kim was spiked this week after reporter Rachel Swan sent Kim...

Conway funds nasty attack ad on Jane Kim

Ron Conway, the tech titan, plutocrat, and political bully, said in March that he was “too busy” to get involved in the SF Mayor’s race....

Foreign Correspondent: The missile attacks on Syria

In 1998, al Qaeda killed 224 people when it attacked US embassies in East Africa. In retaliation, President Bill Clinton ordered a missile strike...

Trump, Tokyo, and the Korean crisis

TOKYO -- My reporting from Japan indicates President Donald Trump has managed to piss off both the political right and left. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo...

No justice, no deal: Time for a better contract with the police union

Two years after the city formally committed itself to police reform, we have almost bupkis to show for it. The reason? The San Francisco...

Trump’s new plan: Arm theater ushers

WASHINGTON DC -- President Donald Trump announced new plans today to combat mass shootings: arming movie theater ushers. "When we've locked down schools by arming...