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Saturday, March 8, 2025

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Tagged with: Foreign Policy

Senate tumult reflects popular discontent with Yemen War

FOREIGN CORRESPONDENT I'm on a low-budget book tour, sleeping in spare bedrooms and munching granola in the kitchens of progressives all along the East Coast....

Murder of Saudi journalist builds opposition to Yemen war

The murder of dissident Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi has backfired on the Saudi royal family by focusing new attention on its vicious war on...

Assassination of Philippine leader 35 years ago holds lessons for today

FOREIGN CORRESPONDENT Filipinos remember a disaster that hit their country 35 years ago. This year marks the 35th anniversary of the assassination of Philippine leader...

Trump, the Deep State, and grassroots democracy

A progressive populist tidal wave is sweeping America -- from California to the New York island/from the Redwood Forest, to the Gulf Stream...

Foreign Correspondent: Trump’s phony support for Iran’s popular protests

During a recent reporting trip to Iran, I interviewed almost two dozen people at random in both rich and poor neighborhoods of Tehran. All...

Foreign Correspondent: Make Saudi Arabia great again!

I stood in front of a mosque in the city of Qatif, Saudi Arabia, interviewing people for a story. Suddenly, two city police cars...

Tearing down the ‘Walls’

ONSTAGE San Francisco Mime Troupe groupies (Troupies?) had a moment this week when the veteran political theater troupe's 2017 production Walls landed on Conservative...

Trump means war. Let’s not forget that

On Saturday afternoon, January 7, 2017, I attended an indoor rally entitled United Against Trump at the Women’s Building in San Francisco. The room...

In Vietnam, capitalism is winning

Forty years afer the war ended, it's Apple, Facebook, and American TV By Andrew Lam MAY 5, 2015 -- Forty years have passed since the Vietnam...

What’s really behind Obama’s Cuba move

By Earl Ofari Hutchinson DECEMBER 23, 2014 -- There were two big takeaways from President Obama’s Cuban opening. The first is obvious. After 55 years...