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Saturday, March 15, 2025

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Tagged with: Google

The year in homeless policy

A few successes and a lot of failures as people on the streets stayed at risk during the pandemic.

Author of ‘Abolish Silicon Valley’ Wendy Liu says tech must change

"There’s this extreme power discrepancy that’s being magnified by Silicon Valley in ways that are not necessarily new, but they’ve improved upon the ways it already existed."

Club mogul accused of vigilante homeless sweep says he did nothing wrong

Peter Glikshtern says he called private trash crew to encampment, insists he was justified by city inaction.

Wiener attacks SF supes

State Senator says board is not functional and harks back to his own days as a supe -- which were only "collegial" when it meant helping Big Tech

Screen Grabs: Heavy themes for heavy times

New movies: Social media manipulation, voter suppression, deportation, white nationalism... Oh, and Suzi Quatro!

The TikTok campaigns

After a few edits and some graphics, Sameera Rajwade uploaded the first video to her TikTok account. Within a day, it had racked up...

OPINION: Keep transit lanes for public transit

The SFMTA Board of Directors will hold a special meeting Tuesday/30 to consider, among other items, the creation of temporary emergency transit lanes. We...

The plutonium of Artificial Intelligence could be coming to a city near you

Of all the tools of mass surveillance deployed by law enforcement, private industry and the federal government, Facial Recognition Technology poses by far the...

From Angelou to Zinn: An anti-racism resource guide

Amid the latest protests against institutional racism, many are looking to sharpen their own knowledge and talk to their neighbors about how they can...

For Pride, all queer people must stand up for Black lives

Black queer people exist. Stonewall was a riot against police. The fight for Gay Liberation was lead by queer and trans women of color....