Thursday, May 2, 2024

Tagged with: Health

A doctor’s plea: When treatment and cure isn’t enough

What do you do as a physician when you have all of the best medicines in the world, but can’t treat a patient’s disease...

Supes want to crack down on massage businesses

The Board of Supes Land Use Committee approved stricter rules for massage establishments despite opposition from both therapeutic massage businesses and sex-worker advocates who...

Prop. C: The battle for the soul of San Francisco

The New American Oligarchy of Wealth and Privilege that seized control of the United States two years ago with the election of President Donald...

Screen Grabs: Free Solo, Arab Film Fest, Studio 54…

SCREEN GRABS Two of the major releases are major disappointments from hitherto reliable directors. Scenarist Drew Goddard’s first directorial feature since ingenious horror deconstruction...

Transgender rights battle continues, on Trump’s rocky ground

When Kris Hayashi was executive director of the Audre Lorde Project in New York City, a community organizing center for lesbian, gay, bisexual, Two...

No job loss from Prop. C — but plenty of benefits

Proposition C would have a huge impact on homelessness in San Francisco and cost the city so few jobs that there’s no credible impact...

Screen Grabs: Joan Jett, Hola Mexico, Hong Kong Cinema …

SCREEN GRABS This week brings a whole lot of mini-festivals to various Bay Area screens. The Roxie has the Hola Mexico, a three-day touring edition...

Dirty desperate lies about Prop. C

Proposition C to appear on November’s ballot is a long time coming. It’s San Francisco’s opportunity to tackle the humanitarian crisis of homelessness while...

Brown, Bloomberg (and their agenda) face protests at Climate Action Summit

As Governor Jerry Brown and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg opened the Global Climate Action Summit Thursday, they were greeted by hundreds...

Governor Brown’s climate shortcomings are bad for our health

California often gets credit for being an environmental leader, but such plaudits overlook the many neighborhoods in California that live a nightmarish reality due...