Thursday, May 2, 2024

Tagged with: Housing

Planning Department has ambitious housing goals; Mayor’s Office stands in the way

Hearing shows huge disconnect between lofty goals and the ability of the city to implement them.

Supes to consider housing farce—and start on the mayor’s budget

Everybody knows the Housing Element won't work, but it's going to be approved anyway. Maybe at least someone will ask some questions.

New study says market conditions, not city requirements, prevent housing construction

It's not affordable-housing policies or regulatory delays: Under current conditions, there is no way to meet the state's housing mandates.

Breed blocks affordable housing project in District 5 for ‘petty politics’

Shuttered car wash could have been more than 100 affordable units, until the mayor went back on a deal with the supes.

SF plans for the next storm—but what about the one after that?

Breed blames forecasters—and city offers only 170 new shelter beds for thousands of unhoused people.

Politics, 2023: The budget crisis, housing, the mayor’s race, criminal justice ….

... and will this be the year that the Yimby narrative finally falls apart? Our projections.

Some New Year’s resolutions for SF politics

I'm always happy to take the time as 2023 dawns to tell everyone else what to do.

It’s going to be a difficult 2023 for Mayor London Breed

A looming urban crisis will call for visionary leadership and policies, which are in short supply in this administration.

My sister and I live at the Oasis Family Shelter. The owners should sell it to the city — not close it down.

IT's making a huge difference in family lives. Losing this site would be a terrible failure.

‘From a Rooftop in Chinatown’ is local rapper’s love letter to Asian community

Son of Paper's new album takes a streets-eye view of the community's strength and overcoming anti-Asian violence