Sunday, May 5, 2024

Tagged with: Income Taxes

Rust Belt SF? Are we doomed by progressive politics?

CNBC calls it a picture of a “dystopian future.” The Chron calls it a vision for “a better San Francisco.” That’s what we get with...

The big right-wing money in key East Bay Assembly race

Big, outside money has been a major issue in the San Francisco mayor’s race, where tech and real estate interests are pouring hundreds of...

Why workers had to strike in Oakland

I shouldn’t be surprised that the mainstream East Bay news media are, to say the least, unsympathetic toward the Oakland city workers’ strike. The...

The (not so secret) agenda of the Trump tax plan

The Republican tax plan is, of course, a huge giveaway to the rich, and (as with most tax “reform” passed since Jimmy Carter started...

The big media lie about single-payer health care

The headlines were so consistent, so predictably bad, that I almost couldn’t read them. “Single-payer will cost $400 billion.” “Single-payer costs dwarf entire state...

The Agenda, March 20-26: Breed’s oddly conservative attack on income taxes

So now we know for sure what Donald Trump and the Republicans have in mind for their first budget:  Cut everything that is good...

The budget picture is bleak — but Mayor Lee has no worries

It was all doom and gloom at the Board of Supes Budget Committee March 9, with the mayor’s budget director and the controller warning...

The Agenda, March 6-12: The next front in the anti-Trump resistance

The looming train wreck that is the San Francisco budget will start to take shape this week when the supes Budget and Finance Committee...

The Agenda, March 28-April 3, 2016: Why developers can’t cry poverty

Most of the city seems to be on Spring Break this week; the supes aren’t meeting, most of the commissions aren’t meeting, and the...

Who pays for the damage the tech boom has done to SF?

We are allowing the industries that make great wealth to avoid paying for the human costs of their actions. That didn't work the last...