Monday, May 6, 2024

Tagged with: Inequality

Is the US finally talking about taxing the rich?

In Congress, and in New York, progressive legislation is on the agenda. Still waiting for California.

Denmark, taxes, happiness, racism …

... plus saving the SIP hotels, cracking down on serial permit scofflaws, and more problems with private prisons. That's The Agenda for Feb. 22-28

Screen Grabs: Elders on the move, in love and crisis

Colin Firth and Stanley Tucci play a couple navigating dementia in 'Supernova'; 'Nomadland' shows Frances McDormand weathering poverty

We can reimagine the post-COVID San Francisco

The future should be up to us -- not the corporate overlords who have controlled city planning for decades.

Shamann Walton is the new board president

Unanimous vote a win for progressives as tough issues face City Hall in 2021.

How do we think about 2020?

And have we learned any lessons that will make for a better 2021?

Our biggest news stories of 2020

1 million readers, 950+ stories, and a community of engaged supporters that can't be beat: Here's what we accomplished together this year.

Hypocrisy in the local zoning debate

Professors who argue that local regulations drive up housing prices appear to admit they have no credible data to back up that argument.

Why corruption matters

The sleaze at City Hall undermines public faith in government -- at a time when the future of humanity depends on it.

State auditor attacks local land-use authority

Study of housing agency finances veers into politically disputed territory.