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Monday, March 10, 2025

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Tagged with: Jail

The Agenda, Nov. 28-Dec. 4: An honest tenant scorecard

There are lies and misleading statements in every election, and San Francisco has seen its share. But this fall’s contests featured a particularly painful...

3rd i opens up

SCREEN GRABS The oldest and largest media arts organization of its type in the US, 3rd i Films launches its 14th annual San Francisco...

Cops, tasers, pepper spray and prayer: A Standing Rock diary

October 29 Two days ago, more than 300 police from five states violently cracked down on a newly formed frontline camp that was set up...

Berkeley City Council candidate Nanci Armstrong-Temple arrested at homeless encampment

UPDATE Saturday November 5: Nanci Armstrong-Temple was released at 2am this morning on bail. Bail was set at $55,000. Nanci will appear in court...

Live from Standing Rock: Repression and injustice on the protest lines

Rose Aguilar is sending daily reports from the pipeline protests at Standing Rock. Read more coverage here. It’s Friday night. I’m flying back to Bismark, North...

Bernie comes to SF to support Jane Kim, Prop. 61

Bernie Sanders was in town Saturday morning to rally with Jane Kim (and a lot of other progressive candidates) before doing an event in...

Criminal justice and mental illness: What’s SF’s answer?

A hearing today on the prospect of a new criminal justice-mental health facility in San Francisco brought up a couple of key issues that...

The Agenda, Oct. 10-17: Should we celebrate the Twitter tax break?

I am glad, I suppose, that there’s nice art coming to mid-Market to “spur curiosity and connection.” Five years after the Twitter tax break,...

The bizarre case of Josh Arce’s gumshoes

If the San Francisco election wasn’t strange enough already, it just took a dive off the political deep end. Check this out: In District 9,...

Why are we still pushing criminalization of homeless people?

  More and more evidence keeps emerging that housing-first efforts, or the placing of homeless people into housing paid for by the city, not only...