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Friday, March 14, 2025

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Tagged with: Lawsuits

Screen Grabs: A couple of powerful mothers

'Shayda' portrays life in a women's shelter for Iranian mother and child, 'Cabrini' highlights a nun on a mission.

So Macy’s is leaving. Let it go.

Let's use that space for a public benefit, not a corporate chain store.

Screen Grabs: Reaching for the golden ring with an ‘Iron Claw’

Plus: 'American Fiction' critiques racial conundrums with feeling, 'Menus-Plaisirs' delivers a full plate of gastronomic delight

Screen Grabs: This Thanksgiving, don’t stream a turkey

Deep family trauma to 5000 aliens on tap. Plus: 'The Rolling Stones & Brian Jones,' Nic Cage in your dreams, more

Puff: Catching up on cannabis—and a distressing lack of doob tubes—in the Big Apple

In which our columnist goes to New York City and finds its 420 market in a seedling state

Screen Grabs: Tom Wolfe and Joan Baez walk into a theater ….

Four new docs focus on fascinating (and sometimes repellant) people, from the famous to the better-left-alone

A chron oped on the housing hearing is wrong, and signals a new attack on the supes

Board members asked for a modest delay to consider the mayor's amendments to a complex housing bill. The Chron talks of "Nimbys."

Screen Grabs: In ‘Dumb Money,’ Hollywood finally indicts Wall Street greed—and it’s fun

Plus: Twisty French black comedy- thriller 'The Origin of Evil' gives a lot of bang for your buck.

The high price of cops continues

Lawsuits allege homophobia, beatings. Plus: A developer violates city law for years—and wins. That's The Agenda for Oct. 31 to Nov. 7

50 years ago, San Bruno Mountain was almost cut in half

Remembering a successful community campaign to save the local environment—as climate challenges loom.