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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

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Tagged with: Lyft

Oak and Van Ness project shows stunning failures in city traffic analysis

The San Francisco supes will vote September 5 on the future of one of the city’s most critical intersections, Market and Van Ness —...

Should Uber be shut down?

Everyone’s talking about Uber’s latest problems with management style, sexual harassment, company culture … and CEO Travis Kalanick, who embodied all of that, has...

Why can Uber and Lyft use city streets for free?

When San Francisco news media reported on a blockbuster study showing the impacts of Uber and Lyft on San Francisco transportation and traffic, Sup....

How we can tax Uber

Pretty much everyone in San Francisco these days (except for Mayor Ed Lee) has come to the conclusion that Uber is a problem. Progressives,...

YIMBYs, Smart Growth — and unanswered questions

On February 1 I flew to St. Louis for the  New Partners for Smart Growth conference, the largest gathering dedicated to dense, transit-oriented/walkable/bikeable development...

The agenda: What’s ‘divisive’?

I keep hearing the same song from one side of San Francisco’s Democratic Party, and it goes like this: We are all Democrats here, and...

The Agenda, Jan 23-30: Trump and the media, SROs and Central SoMa

You have to give the New York Times credit: The front-page headline Sunday/21 reads “Slamming media, Trump advances two falsehoods.” The story makes clear...

The Agenda, Nov. 28-Dec. 4: An honest tenant scorecard

There are lies and misleading statements in every election, and San Francisco has seen its share. But this fall’s contests featured a particularly painful...

Dramatic vote could slow Mission development

A remarkable, stunning vote happened at the Board of Supes Tuesday: By a 9-0 margin, the members agreed that a big market-rate housing project...

The Eastern Neighborhoods Plan is a bust

The Planning Commission heard a report on the Eastern Neighborhoods Plan, which has guided development in a huge swath of the city, and from...