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Tuesday, February 18, 2025

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Tagged with: Mandelman

The Agenda, June 6-12, 2016: Key vote on Airbnb, Election Day partying ….

So the San Francisco Chronicle can’t bring itself to issue an endorsement in the presidential primary. That’s pretty astonishing for a big-city newspaper in...

The real-estate sleaze reaches high tide in the DCCC race

The sleaze coming out of the real-estate industry has reached astonishing levels in the past couple of days, with Big Tech and the Association...

Dem Party Chair Mary Jung’s sex-work hypocrisy

Truth is a pretty fungible commodity during election season, and we all give candidates a little slack. But an oped in today’s Examiner by...

Yes, the (legal) scam Josh Arce is running in D9 is unprecedented

I am getting criticism over my coverage of the DCCC campaign of Josh Arce, who is running both for the Democratic Party post and...

The Democratic County Conway Committee

Panel sides with tech-money oligarchs across the board By Tim Redmond AUGUST 13, 2015 -- It’s tempting to just say the San Francisco Democratic Party has...

DCCC votes Wednesday on critical fall races

Will the party side with the mayor and the tech industry -- or can Peskin and the Airbnb measure round up the votes? By Tim...

Democratic Party buckles on police reform

Modest resolution from Racial Justice Committee defeated by last-minute "substitution" that only praises the SFPD By Tim Redmond JULY 23, 2105 – Hene Kelly, a longtime...

Scenes from Pride Weekend, Day One

A vocal (and huge) trans march, a huge marriage rally ... and it stayed warm pretty late By Tim Redmond JUNE 26, 2015 – The weather...

Behind the changes at City College

An unpopular chancellor is gone -- but he left a lot of problems behind that his successor will have to fix By Tim Redmond JUNE 5,...

SF Democratic Party votes against the Mission

County committee rejects community call for a break in runaway development By Tim Redmond MAY 28, 2015 – As if there were any doubt left, the...