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Friday, May 17, 2024

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Tagged with: Mark Farrell

Breed’s Divisadero St. housing plan helps developers

The Board of Supes Land Use and Transportation Committee heard Board President London Breed’s plan to change affordable housing levels in the Divisidero St....

Why SF needs municipal broadband

Supervisor Mark Farrell and former Sup. Eric Mar are taking on a challenge that has far-reaching implications for the digital divide and the role...

Sup. Ahsha Safaí introduces resolution against Trump’s so-called Muslim Ban 

District 11 Supervisor Ahsha Safai announced his intention to introduce a resolution opposing President Trump's Muslim ban at Tuesday's board meeting. Safai's resolution is backed by Mayor...

A stunning lack of reality at Mayor Lee’s State of the City

An upbeat Mayor Ed Lee delivered a State of the City address at the old Hibernia Bank Building today that sounded like a re-election...

Breed’s first big move is to the right

Sup. London Breed, who ran to her left in November, demonstrated very different political leanings yesterday with one of the most important roles of...

Mayor cuts homeless prevention money; hundreds at risk

  Eduardo Pubill once shared a beer with Ringo Starr. He’s been a New York theater stagehand, a chef, a merchant seaman, and a cook...

Supes approve memorial for Alex Nieto

The Police Officers Association lost a significant vote today, further isolating the organization from the mainstream of San Francisco politics. Despite an effort by Sup....

Free City College passes 9-1 — will Mayor Ed Lee defy the board and the voters?

The Board of Supes, by a 9-1 majority, directly challenged Mayor Ed Lee today and appropriated funding to make City College free for all...

Homelessness and colonial media

"The Homeless caused the fires, they are always leaving trash and causing a mess everywhere they go," read the headline scrolling across the...

The SF election: What happened?

 The 2016 election may well be a turning point in our national and local politics. The problem is that it’s unclear what direction the...