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Monday, March 31, 2025

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Tagged with: Mirkarimi

Wiener’s allies attack Kim — and the race has just started

Negative whisper campaign largely fails, but it shows that this campaign could get ugly By Tim Redmond NOVEMBER 10, 2015 – Already, the state Senate race...

The Agenda, Nov. 9-15: What comes next in SF politics …

... And two great birthday parties, for a young labor organization and a veteran community newspaper By Tim Redmond NOVEMBER 9, 2015 – A weakened mayor,...

The Agenda, Nov. 2 to Nov. 8: Can tech and real-estate money buy the election?

Plus: Danny Glover stops by the Mission to promote Mirkarimi, Yes on I By Tim Redmond NOVEMBER 2, 2015 – Tomorrow, we will see whether big...

Supes reject anti-immigrant measure

Pro-Sanctuary-City law passes unanimously after "reactionary" alternative is tabled, 6-5, with Sup. Christensen voting to keep it alive By Tim Redmond OCTOBER 20, 2015 -- The...

Lee avoids tough questions in mayoral debate

The challengers did the best they could, but a weak format allowed Lee to duck any criticism of his record By Tim Redmond OCTOBER 9, 2015...

Transphobia in the Sheriff’s race

The treatment of transgender inmates -- and the response of the deputy sheriff's union -- becomes an issue in the race between incumbent Ross...

The “Old Boys Club” is alive and well in SF

Annual Boys Night Out event gathers power players and media elite -- no girls allowed.  By Marke B.  The optics are disastrous. In the picture taken...

The Agenda, Aug. 17-23: Is the Left moving to the Right?

Or does the Chron, once again, have the whole thing completely wrong? By Tim Redmond AUGUST 17, 2015 – Just got back from upstate New York,...

Supes move forward with jail that we might not need

$240 million project that nobody has seen and that might be obsolete the day it opens gets preliminary approval from board members who say...

Mayor denounces sheriff — but can’t explain why

Lee tells supes that Mirkarimi's policy endangers public safety -- but he can't offer a cogent alternative By Tim Redmond JULY 14, 2015 – Mayor Ed...