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Wednesday, February 26, 2025

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Tagged with: Muni

Community, labor leaders protest scary Big Tech dark money

The flood of sleazy dark money coming into Districts 1 and 11 got the attention of labor leaders and community activists, who met on...

Dede Wilsey joins big money against City Hall reform

There’s an astonishing amount of money pouring into the San Francisco election, mostly through political action committees, independent expenditure committees, and groups that are...

The D5 debate shows candidate differences

The District Five supes debate Thrusday night was packed, more than 400 people in the lower room at St. Mary’s Cathedral, absolutely standing-room only....

Palo Alto and the tech shop of horrors

On August 10, Kate Vershov Downing, a 31-year-old intellectual-property lawyer, set the media aflutter when she posted on Medium a letter to the Palo...

The developers are wrong: CEQA doesn’t stop housing

Developers see the California Environmental Quality Act as some sort of Great Satan, the source of pretty much everything that’s wrong with the state....

The Agenda, Aug. 22-28: Sunshine for developers …

A committee of the San Francisco Sunshine Ordinance Task Force ruled in favor the city Planning Department last week against a filmmaker who wanted...

Major sunshine issue comes before obscure committee

A committee of the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force, which normally gets no press attention, will take on what could be an explosive issue Tuesday/16...

Big wins for progressives at key board meeting

The Board of Supervisors meeting yesterday started off with the mayor showing up for Question Time and asking for unity on the city budget...

The Agenda, 7/18-7/24: Look for a wild supes meeting

It’s going to be a week of fireworks at the Board of Supes: The city budget is up Tuesday/19, as are a series of...

Cop who shot Jessica Williams had earlier complaint

The police sergeant who shot and killed Jessica Williams has a record of complaints filed against him with the city’s oversight agency, including one...