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Tuesday, March 11, 2025

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Tagged with: News Media

Nothing like this has ever happened before

The scenes from around the world were stunning. I had expected a large turnout – something on the order of the spring protests against...

Homelessness and colonial media

"The Homeless caused the fires, they are always leaving trash and causing a mess everywhere they go," read the headline scrolling across the...

The Media Homeless Project: Is it working?

Back in June, at the instigation of Chronicle Editor Audrey Cooper, more than 70 media organizations put out hundreds of stories on the homeless...

The developers are wrong: CEQA doesn’t stop housing

Developers see the California Environmental Quality Act as some sort of Great Satan, the source of pretty much everything that’s wrong with the state....

Major sunshine issue comes before obscure committee

A committee of the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force, which normally gets no press attention, will take on what could be an explosive issue Tuesday/16...

The Agenda, July 31-Aug. 6: The attack on blue collar jobs continues …

I’ve often wondered how much housing San Francisco is building for international criminals. And now it appears the feds are asking the same question. A...

The Agenda, 7/18-7/24: Look for a wild supes meeting

It’s going to be a week of fireworks at the Board of Supes: The city budget is up Tuesday/19, as are a series of...

The Agenda, July 5-10: Did the Homeless Project work?

So we all wrote about homelessness last week, 48hills and most of the rest of the local news media, and the goal – as...

The Agenda, August 1-8: The attack on blue-collar jobs continues …

I’ve often wondered how much housing San Francisco is building for international criminals. And now it appears the feds are asking the same question. A...

Homelessness: the media’s big problem

These are some of the headlines we saw in the San Francisco Chronicle this past year: “San Francisco’s summer of urine and drug-addicted homeless.” “Amid rising...