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Saturday, March 29, 2025

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Tagged with: OMI Evictions

Tenant Troubles: How do I fight an owner-move-in eviction?

Editor’s note: It’s hard to be a renter in San Francisco these days; some landlords are constantly looking for ways to squeeze out more...

Perspectives: How is San Francisco dealing with owner-move-in evictions?

Perspectives: This post is part of an ongoing feature column to bring some broader perspectives. This post is a collaboration with the Bay City...

The Agenda: Supes to vote on stopping illegal evictions

One of the most important pieces of legislation to come before the supes this year will be heard in the Land Use Committee Monday/26...

Almost half of OMI evictors failed to follow city rules

Nearly half the landlords who filed owner move-in evictions failed to file the proper paperwork with the city, a survey by the SF Tenants...

How to prevent fraudulent owner move-in evictions

The San Francisco supes start discussing fraudulent owner-move-in evictions Friday, and local tenant groups are asking that both of the bills coming to the...

The eviction nightmare may be slowing, thanks to tenant advocates

Last year we reported on the surge of evictions devastating this city. As 2015 began, San Francisco’s Rent Board reported that increasing numbers of...

It’s not hard to be an ethical landlord

An open letter from a property owner to the SF supervisors Editors note: Landlord Spike Kahn send this letter to Sup. Malia Cohen, Sup. Scott...

The Agenda: Showdowns over evictions ….

... and a giant project at Fifth and Mission.  By Tim Redmond SEPTEMBER 14, 2015 – Tenants flooded City Hall again last week, reminding the mayor...