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Tuesday, March 25, 2025

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Tagged with: PDR

The Agenda, Oct. 1-8: Big changes at Ocean Beach …

The San Francisco Police Commission pulled a discussion of Tasers off the agenda last week — just as an Oakland man died after being...

The Agenda, July 17-23: Ballot politics and cannabis

Sup. Aaron Peskin is asking his colleagues to sign Tuesday/18 on to a resolution opposing AB 943, the state measure that would make it...

The Agenda: Why Breed and Lee are blocking Sanctuary City legislation

You can see the shape of the new Board of Supervisors, and the impact of the November election, with the decision by President London...

Why won’t SFMade support Prop. X?

A seeming anomaly of San Francisco’s current election season is the opposition to Prop. X, which seeks to preserve manufacturing space in the city,...

Why Prop. X is needed to save PDR

San Francisco’s artists, small blue-collar businesses, and community-serving nonprofits are being forced out of the city by soaring rents; outright evictions; and, in many...

The Eastern Neighborhoods Plan is a bust

The Planning Commission heard a report on the Eastern Neighborhoods Plan, which has guided development in a huge swath of the city, and from...

The Agenda: Rose Pak, the devastation of the Eastern Neighborhoods ….

Gordon Chin, a founder and former director of the Chinatown Community Development Center, notes in his book Building Community, Chinatown Style, that for Rose...

Supes vote to protect arts space after some disingenuous whining

The Board of Supes put a measure to protect artist workspace and blue-collar jobs on the ballot yesterday after a long discussion about why...

The Agenda, July 31-Aug. 6: The attack on blue collar jobs continues …

I’ve often wondered how much housing San Francisco is building for international criminals. And now it appears the feds are asking the same question. A...

Board factions (mostly) work out deals for fall ballot

Everyone seems to be complaining about a lack of “collegiality” at the Board of Supes, since some of the discussions over the budget and...