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Tuesday, March 25, 2025

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Tagged with: Planning

New upzoning and ‘objective design’ rules could lead to small business displacement

Plus: another $500,000 payout for bad law-enforcement practices; when will it end? That's The Agenda for June 2-9

Are cars, buses, bikes, small businesses, and safe walking a zero-sum game?

Or is there a way to make SF really a transit-first city without making a lot of people miserable?

After nearly 50 years, a Mission tradition keeps the neighborhood spirit alive

No matter how else the city is hollowed out of its creativity, once a year there’s always Carnaval.

Mental health center in the Castro under suspicious threat of eviction

Members of Queer LifeSpace held a rally at 2275 Market St. to organize and avoid being kicked out before they’re served eviction papers.

Developers, not CEQA, are keeping a SoMa housing site as a parking lot

The city needs to buy 469 Stevenson for affordable housing.

‘Blue Door’ brilliantly worms out the mundane intricacies of Black self-hatred

At Aurora, Michael J. Asberry gives one of his best performances as an Ivy League prof haunted by valiant ancestors.

SF is failing badly to meet its state mandates for extremely low-income housing

Hearing shows yet another example of how the city's Housing Element is nothing more than a farce.

US Artists Fellowship brings trans choreographer Sean Dorsey ‘ability to provide for my future’

$50K award comes at a time when the groundbreaking dancemaker is expanding his own voice.

Peskin wants a hands-on mayor, Breed wants a downtown party (for some people) …

... and how is the city planning to create 14,000 housing units for extremely low income households? That's The Agenda for May 5-12

Supes put a hold on Breed’s Treasure Island developer bailout plan

Mayor's Office, developers now have to figure out how to move forward with a deeply troubled project