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Monday, March 17, 2025

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Tagged with: POA

Three of Breed’s police commissioners suddenly reverse on racist pretext stops

Bizarre excuses as commission votes 4-3 to limit traffic stops that have no public safety value

Mayor’s Office ‘semantic’ mistake: Another $82 million for the police

Huge error comes to light at hearing as City Hall prepares to give the department and the POA another blank check without much oversight.

Legal settlements for police abuse have cost SF more than $20 million since 2019

Plus: Ronen takes on the feds over Laguna Honda, Jenkins drops charges against cop, and planners finally want to close the book on a scandal. That's The Agenda for Feb. 12-19.

Four takeaways from the historic Police Commission vote this week

A progressive commission is becoming the focus of broader criminal-justice reform issues.

Does SFPD policy really allow a beating like Decari Spiers received?

A jury found Officer Stangel not guilty and a training officer said he did nothing wrong. That's not how I read the department's official policy.

Actually, it was the cops who hid crucial evidence in the Spiers beating case

Police Commission challenges chief on scathing federal court ruling that undercuts his efforts to block a key reform policy.

Police chief has to back down, agrees to let deal with DA’s Office stay in place

Under pressure, Scott allows independent investigations of police shootings to continue—for another 60 days. But politics still play a big role.

Police Commissioners angry at chief’s move to undermine reform

Panel tells Chief Scott he "blindsided" them, and to go back and work things out with the DA—but he isn't backing down.

Police chief undermines his own department’s reform agenda

Bill Scott voided an MOU that was a key part of a federal-level effort to improve accountability; will the commission let this stand?

No, Walgreens isn’t closing stores because of massive shoplifting in SF

The Agenda: Protecting tenants from predatory ADUs, where will people tossed of our SIP hotels go, and the start of local redistricting.