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Wednesday, January 15, 2025

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Tagged with: Real Estate

A progressive wave in the East Bay

Victories over big money in Oakland, Richmond, Berkeley, and Antioch shows the power of community organizing.

Why did so many people vote for Trump?

Radical economic inequality causes social breakdown. We're seeing it right now.

Big money didn’t win in San Francisco

The city's voters roundly rejected Uber and Lyft's Prop 22—though it won statewide—and elected a progressive majority Board of Supervisors, despite the Mayor's best efforts.

More election sleaze: Fake tenant groups in District 1

Organizations that didn't exist a month ago are suddenly saying that tenants support Marjan Philhour.

The sleaze reaches high tide in D5

Bizarre attack on Dean Preston defies facts, logic, and reality -- but that doesn't stop Big Real Estate and Big Tech.

The big GOP and real-estate money moves into District One

Fake tenants group and big outside cash is now trying to promote Philhour over Chan in a race that could determine the balance of power on the board.

GOP-linked big money attacks progressive candidates and taxes in SF

Millions in PAC money from the 1 percent -- and big Mitch McConnell backer -- floods into San Francisco for last-minute hit pieces.

The Big Lie on Prop. I

Big Real Estate makes small restaurants their front group in mailers that are completely inaccurate.

Big real estate escapes $360 million in annual SF taxes

SPECIAL INVESTIGATION: Owners of 55 local buildings (including Donald Trump) use Prop. 13 to save millions in taxes that could go to schools and city services.

Reflections on a phantom mall—and other local property follies

Former CurbedSF editor Brock Keeling on the future of the city, jaw-dropping real estate porn, and covering our wild and tragic local moment