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Wednesday, January 15, 2025

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Tagged with: Rent Control

The Agenda, July 10-16: A landlord attack on ballot initiatives …

A landlord-sponsored bill that would make it harder for local residents to pass growth-control ballot measures – and would have a huge impact in...

Wiener housing bill passes, trusting the market to solve the crisis

The biggest policy issue in Sacramento this spring, aside from health care, was almost certainly housing, and with good reason: San Francisco is not...

In historic vote, Democratic Party supports rent control

Here’s some big news from last weekend’s California Democratic Party Convention that won’t make the papers: Delegates voted to pass a resolution expressing “the...

The Agenda, May 15-21: Who can afford ‘affordable’ housing?

Two competing affordable housing bills – and another bill that could override both of them to give developers more density – are headed for...

Scott Wiener’s housing straw man

 “The market is powerful, but we need other things. That’s why we have regulations. We have to go against the flow and re channel...

Most SF residents who get evicted earn less than $50K a year

Sup. London Breed’s plan for affordable housing in the Western Addition got continued until May today, but not before some community activists made a...

The only two ways out of the eviction crisis

We are all talking this week about the eviction of seniors, about how San Francisco has become such a hostile place for long-time residents....

YIMBYs, Smart Growth — and unanswered questions

On February 1 I flew to St. Louis for the  New Partners for Smart Growth conference, the largest gathering dedicated to dense, transit-oriented/walkable/bikeable development...

Defending us from Trumpism? Jerry Brown is no help

At the heart of the appeal of Trump's successful campaign message was (is) the accusation that the leadership of the Democratic party was (is)...

Five ways to fight illegal Airbnb units

Despite the rhetoric coming out from moderates in City Hall or from Airbnb itself, illegal short-term rentals are still a problem for San Francisco...