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Tuesday, March 11, 2025

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Tagged with: Scott Wiener

The Agenda, Jan 8-16: A critical rent-control vote, and the power struggle at City Hall

The most important and dramatic change in state rent control law in 20 years is up for its first hearing at a state Assembly...

What the new mayor’s race poll really shows

The first poll on the 2018 mayor’s race offers some surprises – and a lot of information that is really not surprising. I’ve obtained a...

Lee’s death shocks the city

Mayor Ed Lee’s death last night shocked the city. He was relatively young, had no apparent health issues, and showed no signs of slowing...

Little-known Yimby-developer bills will have big impact on local planning

Of the fifteen bills in the “housing package” signed into law by Gov. Jerry Brown on September 29, the one that got the most...

Some differences start to emerge from D8 debate

The District 8 supe debate was generally polite and cordial, and since both candidates are focusing mostly on district issues, there were plenty of...

Unlikely coalition demands better cannabis law

A press event on the steps of City Hall brought together an unlikely coalition of San Francisco politicians to speak out against recent developments...

Assault on local control equals deregulation of housing

"Democrats have a comprehensive agenda to invest in America's cities, grounded on the premise that local leaders are best equipped to create a better...

Why Wiener’s housing bill undermines good policy outcomes

The One Oak project and another controversial development in the Mission both moved forward this week after the district supervisors worked with the developers...

Transportation, housing, criminal justice, and climate change. That’s ….

The national news media still seems to be talking about the relatively minor incidents of violence in Berkeley when the white supremacists came to...

Transit, housing, criminal justice and climate change. That’s …

The national news media still seems to be talking about the relatively minor incidents of violence in Berkeley when the white supremacists came to...