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Wednesday, March 19, 2025

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Tagged with: Tom Ammiano

Police racism, police violence, a hiatus on the Amazon tax ….

... and gee, they are so nice in Sacramento. Guess that's why the landlord lobby keeps on winning.

The big debates: Changing the mayoral election date, a homeless oversight commission …

The Board of Supes has two more meetings to finalize the fall ballot, and while some measures are clearly going to be approved, at...

Breed and Dorsey won’t march in a Pride without cops? Byeee.

Don't threaten us queens with good time

Homeless numbers are declining—despite what the Breed Administration has done

Progressive initiatives, opposed by the mayor, seem to be working.

Campos kicks off campaign with strong labor and LGBT support

With election in just 93 days, wide range of progressives come together to support the only queer Latinx candidate in the race.

Come see Tom Ammiano at our Fall Fling on Wednesday + so much more

Plus: Free records and t-shirts, party with the Best of the Bay winners, Best Drag Queen 2021 performs, and more at El Rio bar, 6pm-9pm

Join us October 20 for our Fall Fling!

Celebrate 8 years of independent media with an outdoor evening party at El Rio in the Mission.

Sorting out the upcoming election madness

Plus: Private electric-car charging in neighborhood curbsides? And a key vote on housing in the Tenderloin. That's The Agenda for Sept. 27-Oct. 4

Some warned 20 years ago that the US was creating a disaster in Afghanistan

Plus: SF just lost two notable activists, James Hormel and Alvin Duskin. That's The Agenda for August 15-22

Drag legend Terence Alan Smith takes center stage in ‘The Beauty President’

As Joan Jett Blakk, the performer made two historic runs for president. A new short film asks what could have been.