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Monday, February 10, 2025

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Tagged with: William Scott

Cops and judges can’t get away with violating reporters’ First Amendment rights

The latest attack on press freedom by the SF cops shows the need for vigilance—and accountability.

Court to hear arguments on police raid of reporters house

The fate of the property of journalist Bryan Carmody – and the role of the local courts in allowing a clearly illegal search warrant...

Special Report: Ed Lee’s police legacy

Editor’s note: As the candidates for mayor discuss law enforcement, police accountability, and the future of the SFPD, it’s worth looking back at how...

Supes to vote on Wiener upzoning bill, Police Commission to vote on Taser initiative …

THE AGENDA There is good news every once in a while. The Planning Commission last week rejected, on a 7-0 vote, an application to...

The Agenda, Oct. 1-8: Big changes at Ocean Beach …

The San Francisco Police Commission pulled a discussion of Tasers off the agenda last week — just as an Oakland man died after being...

Police reform hearing is all about Tasers

A hearing on police reform that was supposed to focus on the 272 recommendations the Department of Justice has given the city today wound...

The Agenda: Tasers, traffic, and cannabis

The San Francisco Police Department hasn’t by any means given up on getting Tasers — apparently, Chief William Scott is a big fan of...

SFPD releases footage and details of the police shooting on Market Street

On May 3rd, shortly after 11 am, Nicholas Flusche, 26,  got into a violent fight with an employee after entering a Subway restaurant on...

A stunning lack of reality at Mayor Lee’s State of the City

An upbeat Mayor Ed Lee delivered a State of the City address at the old Hibernia Bank Building today that sounded like a re-election...

New SFPD Chief has a lot on his plate

Chief William Scott was sworn in as San Francisco's police chief today at City Hall. Scott, 52, previously worked as Deputy Chief for the...