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Sunday, May 19, 2024

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Tim Redmond

Tim Redmond has been a political and investigative reporter in San Francisco for more than 30 years. He spent much of that time as executive editor of the Bay Guardian. He is the founder of 48hills.

Censored: Ten big stories the news media ignored

Even in the social-media era, when a small news outlet can create a viral story, some of the biggest news of the past year...

Jane Kim enters state Senate race

Kim's challenge to Scott Wiener kicks off a big battle for 2016 By Tim Redmond OCTOBER 14, 2015 – Sup. Jane Kim will announce today that...

Has Mayor Lee been good for tenants?

Shouldn't he take some responsibility for the impacts of the boom he is so proud of? By Tim Redmond OCTOBER 13, 2015 -- There’s plenty to...

The truth behind the Airbnb lies

Analyzing the $8 million corporate campaign to stop effective regulation of short-term rentals By Sara Shortt Disclosure: I would find it funny if anyone ever called...

The Agenda, Oct. 12-Oct. 18: Are we really better off after five years of Ed Lee?

The question that isn't getting asked in this mayoral race. Plus: Remembering a deadly case of landlord arson from a much earlier era of...

Mayor won’t veto tenant protections

Lee realizes that his candidate in D3 is in enough trouble with tenants already By Tim Redmond OCTOBER 9, 2015 -- Five pm came and went...

The Tom and Tim Show: A mayoral non-debate, the mayor and the evictions law …

... and the first LGBT studies class in any high school in America. We talk about the week  

Lee avoids tough questions in mayoral debate

The challengers did the best they could, but a weak format allowed Lee to duck any criticism of his record By Tim Redmond OCTOBER 9, 2015...

Sharing economy execs sued for cheating nanny out of wages

Sexual harassment charges also part of lawsuit against senior employees of Airbnb and Uber, which encourage lawbreaking as the essence of their business model By...

Transphobia in the Sheriff’s race

The treatment of transgender inmates -- and the response of the deputy sheriff's union -- becomes an issue in the race between incumbent Ross...