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Tagged with: Airbnb

The Agenda, Oct. 23-30: Does the Eastern Neighborhoods plan even work any more?

There’s more and more evidence that the Eastern Neighborhoods Plan, which since 2008 has guided development in a large swath of San Francisco, is...

The Agenda, Oct. 16-23: Airbnb threats …

Did anyone catch the not-at-all-veiled threat in the Chronicle story on new efforts to limit Airbnb rentals? The measure, sponsored by Sups. London Breed and...

Community, labor leaders protest scary Big Tech dark money

The flood of sleazy dark money coming into Districts 1 and 11 got the attention of labor leaders and community activists, who met on...

Following the big tech and real estate money in D11 and D9

  It’s getting more and more complicated to Follow the Money in San Francisco, particularly when so many campaigns are making so many misleading statements...

Why is SF tolerating Airbnb’s bad behavior?

The way the Chronicle spun the new study on Airbnb was just fine: The platform does, indeed, hurt the city’s hotel industry (and hospitality...

Obama’s supply-side toolkit attacks local housing policy

On September 27th the Obama administration released a "Housing Development Toolkit" promoting a deregulation program for market rate housing development at the local level....

The D5 debate shows candidate differences

The District Five supes debate Thrusday night was packed, more than 400 people in the lower room at St. Mary’s Cathedral, absolutely standing-room only....

The real housing record of London Breed

Sup. London Breed’s campaign website makes the ambiguous claim that she is “creating more affordable housing,” as if she has a hammer and is...

The Agenda, Sept. 12-18: A plea for political honesty

(THIS STORY INCLUDES AN UPDATE TO CORRECT AN EARLIER ERROR) The hits just keep on coming, and they are going to continue into the fall....

Palo Alto and the tech shop of horrors

On August 10, Kate Vershov Downing, a 31-year-old intellectual-property lawyer, set the media aflutter when she posted on Medium a letter to the Palo...