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Sunday, March 23, 2025

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Tagged with: Bubbles

Party Radar: Let’s toast fall

PARTY RADAR OK so we survived Folsom Street Fair -- barely. But it occurred to me in a rare and brief moment of clarity, that Folsom is, in...

Party Radar: Bubbling Onward

PARTY RADAR  As local nightlife still reels from the loss of Bubbles, the beloved club kid/DJ/artist who was shot to death last weekend, of course...

Tears (and bubbly) for Bubbles

"Where are the snow cones! Where are the snow cones!" The chant rose over the crowd assembled Sunday evening on the corner of Larkin...

“Like watching your parents have sex”

ART LOOKS I harbor a sick love for art fairs and have been known to travel across the country on my own dime to...

Tom’s Town: Reflections on City College …

.... and the city after a campaign for office By Tom Temprano DECEMBER 6, 2015 -- Helllllllllo 48 Hills! Did you miss me? I missed you!...

Don’t be a Stanford asshole

David Talbot talks about different world visions for young educated workers from The Farm. JANUARY 26, 2015 -- Editor’s note: Early Sunday morning, I made...

About that turf in Golden Gate Park ….

By Tim Redmond NOVEMBER 7, 2014 – We could fight forever over the safety of the new fields they’re putting in at Golden Gate Park....

Homesick for the place where you already are

By Amanda Witherell OCTOBER 22, 2014  -- The day the San Francisco Bay Guardian died, I was commuting to my corporate marketing job, stuck in...