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Wednesday, March 19, 2025

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Tagged with: Cell Phones

Party Radar: Without Borders

PARTY RADAR Young people often ask me, an Ancient One, if living under Trump is what it felt like living under Bush. That's a...

What the police won’t tell you about the Amilcar Lopez killing

San Francisco District Attorney George Gascon says he’s about to announce his long-awaited decision about whether to charge the officers who killed Amilcar Perez...

655 Tubesteak Connections — and still growing!

PARTY RADAR That disco music has been the recent historical music of oppressed people of color and queers is a cliche -- but that doesn't...

Cops, tasers, pepper spray and prayer: A Standing Rock diary

October 29 Two days ago, more than 300 police from five states violently cracked down on a newly formed frontline camp that was set up...

Cop who shot Jessica Williams had earlier complaint

The police sergeant who shot and killed Jessica Williams has a record of complaints filed against him with the city’s oversight agency, including one...

Ultimate Pride Guide 2016

PARTY RADAR The night of the Orlando shootings, I was at the African American Arts and Culture Complex surrounded by friends I've shared hundreds...

Open source tech meets indigenous Oaxaqueños

How vital cell phone networks are reaching rural areas that corporate telecommunications have written off By Caitlin Donohue MEXICO CITY, MEXICO -- A few years ago,...

Censored: Ten big stories the news media ignored

Even in the social-media era, when a small news outlet can create a viral story, some of the biggest news of the past year...

ACT UP fought back, and the world is better for it

Hundreds of AIDS survivors gathered last weekend to look back on 25 years of protest and change.

The week ACT UP shut SF down

25th anniversary events commemorate historic Sixth International Conference on AIDS protests -- and reunite seminal local activists, Fri/19-Sun/21. By Marke B. JUNE 16, 2015 -- "We were fraught,...