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Friday, March 14, 2025

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Tagged with: City Budget

Lies, damn lies, and the new ‘report’ on San Francisco government

Ignore the realities of SF politics. Ignore a wide-ranging corruption scandal. Just go after district elections. That's what the Rose Institute, funded by Michael Moritz, is doing.

Three key takeaways from the mayor’s budget proposal

Breed is proudly proclaiming she will fight homelessness -- with money from a ballot measure that she opposed.

A varsity letter at 79, a rally to free Malik ….

... plus saving homeless hotel rooms -- and should people who bought a building cleared by eviction get a financial bonus? That's The Agenda for March 1-8

Shamann Walton is the new board president

Unanimous vote a win for progressives as tough issues face City Hall in 2021.

Democrat in D7 race helps pay for Republican candidate’s mailer

Joel Engardio is on a one-two slate with right-wing GOP hopeful -- and the mayor is now endorsing both Engardio and Myrna Melgar.

SF voters want more housing, not more police, for homeless crisis

Strong support for bold measures, including $2 billion in spending, in new poll.

Old SF money backing stealthy new right-wing group

Most start-up political organizations like a splash. They hold news events, press conferences, big galas to say: We have arrived. This is who we...

Berkeley youth march to defund police

On Monday afternoon, more than 100 high-school aged youth marched through Shattuck Avenue and Adeline Street in Berkeley, parading behind a truck blasting “Fuck...

Defunding the police: There’s big money there

As activists around the country, and here in San Francisco, talk about defunding the police, it’s worth taking a moment to look at exactly...

The misleading reports (and reporting) on Prop. E

I was around in 1986, when the San Francisco Chronicle, along with most of the political power structure of the city, argued that Proposition...