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Thursday, May 9, 2024

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Tagged with: Development

The developers are wrong: CEQA doesn’t stop housing

Developers see the California Environmental Quality Act as some sort of Great Satan, the source of pretty much everything that’s wrong with the state....

Sorting out the DCCC fallout

We are all still sorting through the backroom (and frontroom) deals that went on at the DCCC last night; the panel had to sort...

Bad housing bill stalled — but it’s not dead yet

A really bad housing bill that Gov. Jerry Brown has been pushing may be dead for now – but opponents are keeping a close...

Major sunshine issue comes before obscure committee

A committee of the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force, which normally gets no press attention, will take on what could be an explosive issue Tuesday/16...

Party Radar: Can this colorful crew save the Stud?

PARTY RADAR In a world where gentrification and skyrocketing rents are forcing vital arts and nightlife spaces into exile, can a scrappy, rag-tag group...

Supes vote to protect arts space after some disingenuous whining

The Board of Supes put a measure to protect artist workspace and blue-collar jobs on the ballot yesterday after a long discussion about why...

John Ross book puts the rebel back in reporting

Journalism needs its outward thinkers, the ones willing to put the voices of the powerless over those of the powerful. And nobody did that...

The Agenda, July 31-Aug. 6: The attack on blue collar jobs continues …

I’ve often wondered how much housing San Francisco is building for international criminals. And now it appears the feds are asking the same question. A...

Board factions (mostly) work out deals for fall ballot

Everyone seems to be complaining about a lack of “collegiality” at the Board of Supes, since some of the discussions over the budget and...

The Agenda, 7/25/2016: Down to the wire for the November ballot

The battle of the November ballot continues Tuesday as several key items left over from last week’s crazy Board of Supes meeting are back...