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Friday, January 10, 2025

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Tagged with: displacement

Two crucial issues, housing and downtown, will come before the supes this week

Plus: what does 'a city that works' really mean? That's The Agenda for Nov. 13-20

The Golden Goose is dead

For decades, the city's elite touted downtown development as the savior of SF economy. That era is now officially over.

Begging, sadly, for protection from eviction at Oakland’s Wood Street community

A bicycle convoy to Sacramento shows how legislators duck the crisis.

The state agency enforcing housing rules doesn’t care about affordable housing

The people who build the badly needed projects call on Sacramento to work with them to make the RHNA goals possible. Newsom's administration hasn't even responded.

Equity study for luxury housing didn’t delay a single unit by a single day

City Planning Department documents confirm that Preston efforts to prevent displacement never limited any new housing (despite what the Chron says).

Again, the Chron misses the (critical) point on housing

Zoning rules aren't stopping construction, period. It's all about capital and finance—so blaming affordable housing activists is wrong.

Should shopping malls become housing? Yes—but only if the state does it right

The Legislature has responded to affordable-housing developers. But there's a lot of unfinished work to protect vulnerable communities.

Evictions, displacement and a discretionary review on the edge of Chinatown

Plus: Will there be real civilian oversight of the Sheriff's Office? That's The Agenda for Aug. 21-28

The Laguna Honda crisis never should have happened

If Gavin Newsom had shown some leadership, the terror that patients face could have been avoided.

Major housing policy changes happening—but will they work?

Upzoning, a budget deal, competing visions of affordable housing—and a bit of reality about the current market.