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Thursday, March 6, 2025

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Tagged with: Donald Trump

The first debate: Elizabeth Warren the consensus winner

I watched the first Democratic debate in a bar, during a 48hills Pride event, and there was noise and there were interruptions. I suspect...

Russia sees through Trump’s Iran bluster, but has Middle East problems of its own

MOSCOW -- President Donald Trump won’t go to war with Iran. That was the prediction of Russian experts I interviewed in Moscow during the...

Bernie Day at the state Dem Convention

Sunday was Bernie Sanders Day at the state Democratic Convention. Bernie supporters packed the area outside the convention hall. Bernie signs were everywhere when he...

Warren steals the show at Democratic Convention

It’s remarkable how much the mainstream of the Democratic Party has shifted since Bernie Sanders shook up the party three years ago. This year,...

Homeless, at the airport

“Get up, you have to move along…did you hear me? It’s time to move along…” The hard wood of the baton slammed against the...

Will Julian Assange get a fair trial in the US?

British police dragged Wikileaks founder Julian Assange out of the Ecuadorian Embassy in London on April 11, witnessed by a scrum of international media. Authorities...

The Ukraine elections, Putin, and Trump

Ukrainians can chose a crook or a clown as their new president. So far the clown is winning. Volodymyr Zelensky, a prominent comedian without political...

Large, enthusiastic crowd welcomes Bernie Sanders to San Francisco

Adults, teens, children and their pets gathered in Green Meadow Park near Fort Mason on a sunny Sunday afternoon March 24. Sen. Bernie Sanders...

How the media distort news from Venezuela

Whenever officials in Washington, D.C. set out to overthrow a foreign government, mainstream US media outlets are there to give a helping hand. All...

What’s really going on in Kashmir?

On Feb. 14, a suicide bomber killed more than 40 Indian soldiers in Kashmir in what India claimed was a terrorist attack. India retaliated...