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Monday, March 10, 2025

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Tagged with: Donald Trump

Photos: The people resisting the #Muslimban

Joshua Nunez stood at the back of the crowd gathered at  one of the San Francisco airport's departures check-points. Nunez was leaning against a...

Detainees being released from San Francisco International Airport

Mozhjan Mostafavi, daughter of the 80-year old Iranian American (green card holder) who made it out says she's echausted but relieved pic.twitter.com/N2Jz7pLPdg — Sana Saleem...

Whose wall is this?

LETTER FROM MEXICO It was a sunny day at the beach in Tijuana. Jet skis buzzed in the waves, around the westernmost end of the...

Trump’s education secretary — and her brother, a mercenary who advocates assassinations

Blackwater founder Erik Prince, who has been called “America’s most notorious mercenary” by author and journalist Jeremy Scahill, has emerged as an influential advisor...

The Agenda, Jan 23-30: Trump and the media, SROs and Central SoMa

You have to give the New York Times credit: The front-page headline Sunday/21 reads “Slamming media, Trump advances two falsehoods.” The story makes clear...

Defending us from Trumpism? Jerry Brown is no help

At the heart of the appeal of Trump's successful campaign message was (is) the accusation that the leadership of the Democratic party was (is)...

#WomensMarch in Pictures: More than 60,000 join the march in Oakland

Over 60,000 people gathered at Oakland's Oscar Grant Plaza for Women's March to show solidarity for women's right and protest statements made by President...

LIVEBLOG: #WomensMarch protests around the Bay

    As hundreds of thousands gather in Washington DC today the Bay Area is host to multiple Women's March protests against the new President, Donald...

Democracy in action — or not

I ran into Assemblymember David Chiu Sunday morning, outside the union hall where delegates to the state Democratic Party were being chosen. “Welcome,” he...

The Agenda, Jan 2-9, 2018: Reforming the Democratic Party, organizing against Trump …

Let me guess: You probably don’t know who represents you in the California Democratic Party. I’m not talking about our state Assembly or Senate...