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Friday, March 14, 2025

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Tagged with: Eastern Neighborhoods

The mayor’s latest housing plan won’t work

Mayor Lee and Supervisor Tang are at it again: They’ve proposed a density bonus plan for the second most dense city in the nation....

The Agenda, Feb. 13-19: Can Mayor Lee really deny funding to defend immigrants?

Mayor Ed Lee has said on repeated occasion that he doesn’t want to send city money to the Public Defender’s Office to represent undocumented...

The Agenda, Jan 23-30: Trump and the media, SROs and Central SoMa

You have to give the New York Times credit: The front-page headline Sunday/21 reads “Slamming media, Trump advances two falsehoods.” The story makes clear...

The Agenda, Dec. 12-18: Will the supes fold on free City College?

First, let us take a moment to say: We are losing three great supervisors. John Avalos, David Campos, and Eric Mar have been the...

More than a million people in SF? Did anyone ask you?

It’s hard not to be riveted by the terrifying advance of Donald Trump’s presidency. But it would be a huge mistake to ignore less...

The Agenda, Nov. 28-Dec. 4: An honest tenant scorecard

There are lies and misleading statements in every election, and San Francisco has seen its share. But this fall’s contests featured a particularly painful...

Dramatic vote could slow Mission development

A remarkable, stunning vote happened at the Board of Supes Tuesday: By a 9-0 margin, the members agreed that a big market-rate housing project...

Why won’t SFMade support Prop. X?

A seeming anomaly of San Francisco’s current election season is the opposition to Prop. X, which seeks to preserve manufacturing space in the city,...

The Agenda, Oct. 23-30: Does the Eastern Neighborhoods plan even work any more?

There’s more and more evidence that the Eastern Neighborhoods Plan, which since 2008 has guided development in a large swath of San Francisco, is...

Why Prop. X is needed to save PDR

San Francisco’s artists, small blue-collar businesses, and community-serving nonprofits are being forced out of the city by soaring rents; outright evictions; and, in many...