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Friday, March 14, 2025

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Tagged with: Eastern Neighborhoods

Obama’s supply-side toolkit attacks local housing policy

On September 27th the Obama administration released a "Housing Development Toolkit" promoting a deregulation program for market rate housing development at the local level....

The Eastern Neighborhoods Plan is a bust

The Planning Commission heard a report on the Eastern Neighborhoods Plan, which has guided development in a huge swath of the city, and from...

The Agenda: Rose Pak, the devastation of the Eastern Neighborhoods ….

Gordon Chin, a founder and former director of the Chinatown Community Development Center, notes in his book Building Community, Chinatown Style, that for Rose...

The developers are wrong: CEQA doesn’t stop housing

Developers see the California Environmental Quality Act as some sort of Great Satan, the source of pretty much everything that’s wrong with the state....

Board factions (mostly) work out deals for fall ballot

Everyone seems to be complaining about a lack of “collegiality” at the Board of Supes, since some of the discussions over the budget and...

Can we stop the displacement of arts space and industry?

Sup Jane Kim is drafting legislation that seeks to strongly deter the destruction epidemic that is attacking arts and industrial spaces in the Mission,...

Why allowing more housing makes property more expensive

Fred Sherburn-Zimmer, director of the Housing Rights Committee, stood on the steps of City Hall yesterday morning and explained why allowing the free market...

Chaos isn’t “change”

By Calvin Welch DECEMBER 23, 2015 -- In a period when our national politics are dominated by candidates on the right that rely on “counter...

Jim Meko: A remembrace

SoMa activist dies at 66; helped protect blue-collar jobs in the district By Zelda Bronstein AUGUST 9, 2015 -- Jim Meko, president of the SoMa Leadership...

The Mission moratorium goes down, narrowly — but the fight has only begun

Hundreds and hundreds of Mission residents and community activists demonstrate the massive anger over displacement -- and some folks at City Hall didn't listen....