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Sean Dorsey Dance 20th Home Season
Saturday, September 7, 2024

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Tagged with: Genocide

‘The Tutor’ offers a radical take on love triangles, queer Iranian expat-style

Torange Yeghiazarian's NCTC play refreshingly lets a young lesbian from a repressive county just be horny.

Police violence on campuses must end

Calling in over-militarized state forces to repress non-violent student protests against the war on Gaza is not a solution.

‘¡Golondrina!’ flies on the wings of Latinx California music history

Liliana Herrera's 'funkloric' play at Brava views migration, and its criminalization, through a sonic kaleidoscope.

Unbearable tension of ghosts past and present in ‘Returning to Haifa’

Palestinians come back home in the shadow of the Six-Day War, in Golden Thread's latest on Potrero Stage.

Finally, Native American land returned to Native Americans in Berkeley

At the ancient Berkeley shellmound, the Lisjan people get back their sacred land.

Artists alter, deface their own work at YBCA to protest Gaza silence and decry censorship

'Love Letter to Gaza' action calls out institution for not speaking up and allegedly muzzling artists.

Theatrical spectacularist Taylor Mac: ‘The solution to straight pain is queer joy’

The gonzo performance artist's 'Bark of Millions' is an ecstatic four-hour, 55-song reverse-conversion therapy session.

COVID safety is a progressive responsibility

Government, media, institutions no longer work to protect us; we need to keep raising our voices and taking action.

Screen Grabs: Savage, hallucinatory ‘Settlers’ confronts colonizer violence

Plus: Tripping through Paris time in 'Driving Madeleine,' deadpan romance in 'Fallen Leaves' heavy lessons in 'Origin