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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

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Tagged with: Military

China trade war not going well for Trump

  China is coming after us! Time to steel ourselves for battle against the human-rights-violating, currency-manipulating, job-grabbing, intellectual-property-stealing, missile-launching evil doers. Or so Washington, D.C....

Joan Jett Blakk for President, perpetually!

“Hunny, I cannot tell you, it’s so weird being history.” Terence Alan Smith, aka Joan Jett Blakk, is over at my apartment for lunch, and...

Screen Grabs: A devil in Tasmania, Tel Aviv on fire…

SCREEN GRABS The San Francisco Cinematheque has been doing all too many posthumous tribute programs of late, as major figures of experimental film and video...

Trump, racism, gun culture, and mass murder

Donald Trump has done a lot of terrible things. He conspired with a foreign country to interfere with a US election. He lied about...

Review: Gray Area Festival’s inferno of hybrid arts creativity

Do not be afraid; our fate cannot be taken from us; it is a gift. —Dante, The Inferno. One must imagine Sisyphus happy. —Camus, The Myth of...

Elizabeth Warren on war and peace

In the last few months Senator Elizabeth Warren has gained ground in public opinion polls tracking the race for the Democratic Party presidential nomination....

Revolution music: What’s soundtracking protests around the globe?

ALL EARS "If I can't dance to it, it's not my revolution," the old anarchist-feminist saying goes. And it's true, every uprising needs a good soundtrack,...

Screen Grabs: A gripping dispatch from the heart of Aleppo

SCREEN GRABS No doubt many cineastes in the Bay Area and well beyond will be lining up this weekend for arguably the first interesting mainstream...

Beyond the valley of the gig economy

Spanning the month of July, this year’s incarnation of LaborFest, the 26th annual, includes history talks and walks, union gatherings, films (including Sorry to...

Screen Grabs: A wave of women behind the camera

SCREEN GRABS Though some aspects of filmmaking have been edging slowly towards gender equity for a while, there’s no question that the #MeToo movement...