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Thursday, March 13, 2025

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Tagged with: Mission Moratorium

Latest person caught up in scandal was a major political player

Another major player in San Francisco politics in in serious trouble in the ever-widening City Hall scandal. Rodrigo Santos, an ally of former mayors Willie...

Some differences start to emerge from D8 debate

The District 8 supe debate was generally polite and cordial, and since both candidates are focusing mostly on district issues, there were plenty of...

Dramatic vote could slow Mission development

A remarkable, stunning vote happened at the Board of Supes Tuesday: By a 9-0 margin, the members agreed that a big market-rate housing project...

The Agenda, May 16-22: Big, ugly luxury housing projects in the Mission and the Tenderloin….

The local news media made a big deal of the legal thrashing that Federal Judge Charles Breyer gave to an SF police officer who,...

The first Wiener-Kim debate frames an epic election battle

The first of a series of debates between Sups. Scott Wiener and Jane Kim, who are both seeking a state Senate seat, set the...

Hillary Ronen kicks off D9 supe campaign

By Tim Redmond UPDATED (see below) JANUARY 14, 2016 – Hillary Ronen, who has worked as chief of staff to Sup. David Campos the past six...

What does it mean to be a pro-tenant politician in SF?

The three worst things that have happened to renters in this city recently, and how to measure the response of elected officials By Tim Redmond Sup....

How the 2016 races shape up

Control of the city, and its future, on the line in a year of high-octane, high-stakes politics   By Tim Redmond DECEMBER 4, 2015 – The next...

OPINION: A perspective on Ethics reform

The nonprofit dispute over Prop. C By Larry Bush OCTOBER 30, 2015 -- Some nonprofits, and the newly revived Bay Guardian, are opposing Proposition C, which...

Lee avoids tough questions in mayoral debate

The challengers did the best they could, but a weak format allowed Lee to duck any criticism of his record By Tim Redmond OCTOBER 9, 2015...