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Wednesday, March 19, 2025

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Tagged with: November Ballot

What the March election really meant—and where the city goes from here

Big tech money and low progressive turnout carried the day—but what if there's a real mayor's race in November?

Why immigrants are worried about SF’s Proposition E

The measure would undermine the Sanctuary City policies.

City workers rally against Breed’s budget cuts

Labor unions talk about billions in outside contracts—but the local tax system needs to be on the table, starting now.

Another big-money anti-tax front group emerges in SF

The Chamber of Commerce and GOP donors have created Fed UP SF to attack progressive taxes.

Finally, a state Senate debate

Plus: The municipal corruption scandal and the state of the city's economy. That's The Agenda for Sept. 28-Oct. 4

Breed’s choices on cops and homeless face challenges

The full Board of Supes will decide Tuesday/8 whether to reject Mayor London Breed’s two nominees to the Police Commission. The vote will come as...

Behind the big money influencing City Hall

Lobbyists spent more than $12 million seeking to influence San Francisco City Hall in just the first six months of 2019, according to a...

Planners keep wanting to streamline approvals for housing that won’t get built

The Board of Supes isn’t back from vacation yet, but the Planning Commission is – and on Thursday/22 the panel will hear a report...

Juul fails in effort to change ballot language

Juul failed today in its effort to get the city to change substantially the language that will describe the company’s initiative in the November...

Supes, under intense pressure from mayor, drop plan for homeless commission

The Board of Supes today – under intense pressure from the mayor -- refused to put a measure to create a Homelessness Commission on...