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Monday, May 13, 2024

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Tagged with: Police

James ‘Sticknasty’ Small brings beats, and heart, to fore on ‘A Universal Love Language’

Berkeley drummer, a force behind major acts, levels up with album forged out of personal change and positivity

Breed continues to push arrests as solution to substance-abuse issues

Evidence shows this policy never works as right-wingers continue to push their attacks on local judges

Screen Grabs: Listening to legends of the Bayou with Les Blank

'I Went to the Dance' delights. Plus: powerful immigrant saga 'Marisol,' redevelopment dilemma in 'White Building'

‘Weed’ sparks up candid cannabis education for young people—and the rest of us

Caitlin Donohue's latest book for teens takes a big picture view of cannabis policy and culture in the Americas

Armed guards, public safety, the future of Laguna Honda Hospital …

... plus a discussion on the need for district elections of supervisors. That's The Agenda for Sept. 10-17

The right-wing forces can’t blame their DA or their mayor, so they are attacking judges

Ousting Chesa Boudin and creating a new War on Drugs isn't working, so now they are seeking someone else to blame

The Oakland school bomb threat is a dire warning about our current politics

Right-wing activism is happening at both the national and the local level.

Lies, damn lies, and the new ‘report’ on San Francisco government

Ignore the realities of SF politics. Ignore a wide-ranging corruption scandal. Just go after district elections. That's what the Rose Institute, funded by Michael Moritz, is doing.

Screen Grabs: Saluting 25 years of great world cinema (and three Rambos)

BAMPFA salutes Rialto Pictures. Plus: A West Oakland classic from 1998 returns at last

Screen Grabs: The scream queen has evolved—and she’s got real problems

A Tunisian cop gets burned, a relationship spirals catastrophically, and 'The Shining' but lesbian. New movies!