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Saturday, March 8, 2025

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Tagged with: Policing

Club mogul accused of vigilante homeless sweep says he did nothing wrong

Peter Glikshtern says he called private trash crew to encampment, insists he was justified by city inaction.

A dramatic new report sheds real light on homeless policies

The Coalition on Homelessness released a dramatic new study today that – unlike most reports on the unhoused – relies on data collected directly...

Supes committee votes to slash police budget by $30 million

The Board of Supes Budget and Appropriations Committee has approved roughly $30 million in additional cuts to the police budget – less than some...

Supes call for major cuts in police budget

The Board of Supes Budget and Appropriations Committee moved toward some significant cuts for the Police Department today, with the chair, Sup. Sandra Lee...

Finally, a monument to a victim of police violence

For the first time in history, San Francisco will soon have a permanent monument to a person of color killed by the police. I was...

Police union opposes Black Lives Matter posters

The San Francisco Police Commission wants to put Black Lives Matter posters in every police station. Chief Bill Scott supports the idea. Officers for...

The problem with ‘centrists’

The resignation of New York Times columnist Bari Weiss is all over the news, and the right-wingosphere is using it to push the demonstrably...

In ‘The Niceties,’ deep-rooted academic bias vividly on display

In The Niceties, playing online from Shotgun Theater, a Black student, Zoe (Regina Monique) at an unnamed elite Northeast university (clearly Yale given it’s...

COVID is devastating the US economy—while the very rich get very richer

My poor puppy hates the fireworks. They’re loud and unpredictable. There are many theories, some of them pretty out there, as to why so...

OPINION: Defunding the police is just one step

Black Lives Matter and other abolitionist groups are leading communities across the country to recognize that the criminal justice system is a powerhouse of...