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Tagged with: Protests

The Agenda, Aug. 31 to Sept. 7: Tech office creep in the Mission …

... another Wall on the Waterfront, and how, exactly, is the city going to roust all the homeless  for the Super Bowl? By Tim Redmond AUGUST...

Could the city buy out the Monster in the Mission?

Now that the project is in trouble, some say it's time to use city money to turn the 16th and Mission site into affordable...

Press terror: Mexico reels from journalist murders

The killing of photojournalist Rubén Espinosa and this week's massacre in Veracruz bring attention to Mexico's failure to protect the press. By Caitlin Donohue AUGUST 14,...

BIG WEEK: What to do Aug 12-18, 2015

Street Food Festival, 420 Games, Los Van Van, The Wailers, Tinariwen, Sex Panic, more essential events this week. By Marke B. BIG WEEK You've got only a...

Saving radical actions and spaces, virtually

Bay Area Society of Art and Activism "Collective Memory" project archives alternative history -- and wants you to contribute. By Caitlin Donohue ART LOOKS How to...

Behind the “protest” at the Examiner

Was the point to complain about the politics of a story -- or about a reporter calling out a politician? By Tim Redmond JULY 29, 2015...

BIG WEEK: Reggaefest, Night Light, National Ice Cream Day, MEX I AM, AC/DShe

Plus: Milk Gayla, Playwrights Festival, Cold Cave, Tenderloin Museum, Art of Rap fest, more: What to do this week, July 14-20, 2015 By Marke B.  Editor's...

ACT UP fought back, and the world is better for it

Hundreds of AIDS survivors gathered last weekend to look back on 25 years of protest and change.  By The Central Committee (Tim Kingston, Rebecca Hensler,...

Uber, the Conference of Mayors, and the taxi drivers

Expect protests from (real) cab drivers as Uber helps host US Conference of Mayors -- just as that company is getting hit for failing...

The week ACT UP shut SF down

25th anniversary events commemorate historic Sixth International Conference on AIDS protests -- and reunite seminal local activists, Fri/19-Sun/21. By Marke B. JUNE 16, 2015 -- "We were fraught,...