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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

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Tagged with: Scott Wiener

Wiener housing bill passes, trusting the market to solve the crisis

The biggest policy issue in Sacramento this spring, aside from health care, was almost certainly housing, and with good reason: San Francisco is not...

Assembly passes bill to limit land-use ballot initiatives

A bill that would make it harder for local residents to pass ballot measures limiting development has passed the state Assembly with almost no...

Party Radar: Catching up, falling out

PARTY RADAR The real news is always so terrible -- and that's not fake. HOWEVER, there's some heartening nightlife news out there for us denizens...

Why ABAG housing quotas lead to displacement

The Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA), a product of the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG), assigns to each Bay Area Jurisdiction quotas of...

Single-payer’s next step

On April 26, 2017, the Healthy California Act (S.B. 562) was passed with a 5-2 vote at the Senate Health Committee hearing in Sacramento. The...

How we can tax Uber

Pretty much everyone in San Francisco these days (except for Mayor Ed Lee) has come to the conclusion that Uber is a problem. Progressives,...

It’s official: Leno is running for mayor

The 2019 mayor’s race formally began today when former state Sen. Mark Leno did what everyone had been expecting for months and pulled papers...

Scott Wiener’s housing straw man

 “The market is powerful, but we need other things. That’s why we have regulations. We have to go against the flow and re channel...

What the Airbnb settlement means

I am going to let Doug Engmann, former chair of the Pacific Stock Exchange and president of the SF Planning Commission, make the point...

The only two ways out of the eviction crisis

We are all talking this week about the eviction of seniors, about how San Francisco has become such a hostile place for long-time residents....