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Wednesday, March 19, 2025

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Tagged with: Tents

Wiener tries to look progressive in debate

But that requires a bit of historical revisionism, since his record has always been very moderate on police, housing, and homelessness.

Club mogul accused of vigilante homeless sweep says he did nothing wrong

Peter Glikshtern says he called private trash crew to encampment, insists he was justified by city inaction.

The privilege of breathing

How can you shelter in place when you have no shelter?

Old SF money backing stealthy new right-wing group

Most start-up political organizations like a splash. They hold news events, press conferences, big galas to say: We have arrived. This is who we...

Homeless sweeps come back to the Tenderloin

“They came by and took our tents, said we had to go and not come back or we would be arrested -- you know a...

Safe sleeping spaces — or cages?

C.A.R.E. For the homeless On some street In Saint Pete Looks like A cage For people.... -- excerpt of the poem People Cages by Dee Allen /Po Poet “It feels like we...

Supes look to protect SRO residents

The Board of Supes Finance Committee approved today emergency legislation aimed at curbing the spread of COVID-19 in single-room occupancy hotels. The measure by Sup....

First sanctioned tent city opens in SF

San Francisco's first city-sanctioned safe sleeping site began operations yesterday afternoon. The site, referred to as the Safe Sleeping Village, has 50 spaces for...

Public health docs duck question: Why no order to house the homeless?

The Board of Supes briefing from the Department of Public Health today was stunning – and showed just how far the Breed Administration is...

The dangerous, inaccurate reporting on homelessness and the COVID crisis

Take some salacious information, add a single person with a point of view, and suddenly you have a major international story – that can...