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Friday, March 14, 2025

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Tagged with: Traffic

SFMTA’s Frida Kahlo Way redesign will hurt City College and its students

It makes no sense—and was designed without adequate input from the students whose lives it will disrupt.

Live Shots: Stephen and Damian jam during high Marley moment at the Masonic

The brothers' Traffic Jam tour unleashed multiple generations of hits, Haile Selassie visuals.

Three of Breed’s police commissioners suddenly reverse on racist pretext stops

Bizarre excuses as commission votes 4-3 to limit traffic stops that have no public safety value

SF cop fires gun out the window in Santa Rosa. Cops fail on internal affairs reviews

Sometimes, you just have to present these things without comment. The Police Commission will discuss Wednesday/21 the latest Firearms Discharge Review Board report, which...

‘Mere Mortals’ drowns its provocative beauty in noise and lights

SF Ballet takes on the promise/threat of Artificial Intelligence, but the digital onslaught is all too much.

Shot from a car window, the Golden Gate Bridge spans multiple timelines in ‘No Delays’

Nico Van Dongen's striking composite photographs capture the Bay sentinel's fourth-dimensional existence.

Good Taste: All the takeout I would have eaten with Keith Lee

The TikTok food influencer cut short his disastrous Bay Area visit, but here's where to dive into great local flavors

The 54-year battle for People’s Park continues

The cops are back. Barricades are up. The unhoused are evicted. Cars are towed. UC doesn't care.

The brutal budget crisis of 2024—and how the city could address it without huge cuts

San Francisco needs to rethink how it collects taxes—and the state is going to have to get out of the way.

Opinion: The Valencia Street center bike lane was a mistake and has to go

It's bad for cyclists, bad for small business, and shows the need for SFMTA reform.