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Tagged with: Uber

Newsom may have to answer for lawsuit against SF

By Tim Redmond AUGUST 14, 2014 -- Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom will be in the spotlight this week, when the State Lands Commission meets in...

Uber whines about insurance rules that would level the playing field

By Tim Redmond AUGUST 12, 2014 -- If you believe a recent letter from Uber, a bill pending in the state Legislature would mandate that...

Does Airbnb have an ADA problem?

By Tim Redmond AUG. 7, 2014 -- The world of the “sharing economy,’ like the world of tech workers, tends to be young, white, college...

We’re taking a short summer break

By Tim Redmond 48hills is taking a short summer vacation break. Since we’re such a small operation, with minimal staff, the only way we (well,...

Uber’s tax-avoidance strategy costs government millions. How’s that for “sharing?”

  By Darwin Bond Graham JULY 10, 2014 -- Uber, a leading ride-sharing company, has drawn the ire of regulators and cab drivers in dozens of...

Politics: The future of Airbnb regulations

By Tim Redmond JULY 10, 2014 -- There won’t be an Airbnb initiative on the November ballot – but the issue, and the possibility of...

When Gavin Newsom sells out the disability community

By Bob Planthold JULY 8, 2014 -- Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom wrote an op-ed piece June 16th in the Sacramento Bee that focuses on the innovation...

Tom’s Town, Pride Edition: The struggles past, present, and future

By Tom Temprano Everywhere you go in San Francisco, Pride is in the air. From the Castro bars overcrowded with queers visiting from around the...

City Beat: Why can’t we have nice things?

By Tim Redmond JUNE 5, 2014 – More than two thirds of Americans think that "government must see to it that nobody is without food,...

Campos-Chiu contribution data shows real-estate, tech influences

David Chiu's donations total $822,000 so far By Tim Redmond The Anti-eviction Mapping Project has completed an analysis of campaign contributions to Assembly candidates David Campos...