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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

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Tagged with: Waterfront

It’s easy to find housing in SF — if you’re in the 1 percent

The Chron put the story on the front page of the Sunday paper: There is no housing crisis in San Francisco. It is a good...

At Zinn Fair, Peter Cole explores SF’s unique history of labor and race

In Dockworker Power: Race and Activism in South Africa and the San Francisco Bay Area, labor historian Peter Cole uncovers the undocumented history of waterfront...

Is Mayor Breed planning more homeless sweeps?

A press release from the Mayor’s Office arrived in my inbox two days ago, to wit: Mayor London N. Breed today joined City officials and...

Review: Gray Area Festival’s inferno of hybrid arts creativity

Do not be afraid; our fate cannot be taken from us; it is a gift. —Dante, The Inferno. One must imagine Sisyphus happy. —Camus, The Myth of...

Race, labor, and activism on the waterfront

For those unfamiliar with the radical history of dockworkers leading the fight against economic and racial inequality for workers across color lines, Peter Cole’s...

The local TV news coverage of Jeff Adachi’s death is a disgrace

I’m just going to come right out and say it: Some of the TV news coverage of Jeff Adachi’s death has been utterly repugnant. Channel...

Climate-change denial, right here in California

 “In California, facts and science still matter,” said Gov. Jerry Brown in a prepared statement. “These findings are profoundly serious and will continue to...

OPINION: How big should SF be — and for whom?

This is a critical time for our city. There are a lot of important issues at stake that matter to all of us. Income...

OPINION: Why political money should be a top issue in the mayor’s race

Pay to Play belongs at the top of the issues in the mayor’s campaign if for no other reason the hundreds of thousands (soon...

Explosive debate finally shows the candidates as they are

The best and most revealing mayoral debate so far – because it was an actual debate – took place last week at the Potrero...