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Friday, March 21, 2025

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Tagged with: Willie Brown

Life before dot-com: Two exhibitions explore the not-so-distant past of SF

San Francisco has tended to be defined by its high profile cultural moments and movements, from the libertine Barbary Coast era to the Beats,...

The Street Sheet: 30 years of journalism by and for homeless people

  Since 2001, I’ve been involved with Street Sheet in some capacity — at first as a freelancer, and now as a sort-of managing editor...

Guess who’s a lawyer for the city’s worst planning scofflaw? (Hint: He writes for the Chron)

The City Attorney’s Office and the Planning Department just released some details of the legal settlement between the city and the Academy of Art...

Planners keep wanting to streamline approvals for housing that won’t get built

The Board of Supes isn’t back from vacation yet, but the Planning Commission is – and on Thursday/22 the panel will hear a report...

Joan Jett Blakk for President, perpetually!

“Hunny, I cannot tell you, it’s so weird being history.” Terence Alan Smith, aka Joan Jett Blakk, is over at my apartment for lunch, and...

Warren steals the show at Democratic Convention

It’s remarkable how much the mainstream of the Democratic Party has shifted since Bernie Sanders shook up the party three years ago. This year,...

The tensions are going to emerge at the Dem Con this weekend

The Democratic Convention officially starts this afternoon, and the talk amoung progressive delegates is all about the nasty attacks on Kimberly Ellis, who is...

Court to hear arguments on police raid of reporters house

The fate of the property of journalist Bryan Carmody – and the role of the local courts in allowing a clearly illegal search warrant...

Screen Grabs: Jeff Adachi, Romanian scandal, magnificent cake…

SCREEN GRABS In a week that brings the literally elephantine spectacle of a (mostly) live-action Dumbo remake by Tim Burton, you might well run in...

The inhumanity of homeless ‘sweeps’

  No matter how many times you “sweep” me,“arrest me,” or “study me, it doesn’t give me a home. In 1984, when I was 11 and...