Dear Readers,Â
48 Hills is an experiment in community-supported journalism. We’re 100% independent, alternative, locally produced, and funded by you, our readers. We’re keeping the spirit of San Francisco and the Bay Area alive by fighting against the big chains and corporate media to get the real stories of our community out.Â
All of your support goes directly to our journalists and writers and to keep the site up and running. Absolutely NONE of it goes to out-of-state chains, insane executive salaries, or nefarious corporate investors. We believe in the power of local journalism and we mean it! (Both Tim and Marke maintain outside jobs and projects so we can keep the site funded.)Â
PLEASE SUPPORT US BY BECOMING A MEMBER! A $10, $20, or $25 recurring monthly donation—or, hey, any donation you like on a one-time basis—will help us survive and even grow to add more voices, more viewpoints, and more essential, groundbreaking journalism. Â
Right now we are trying to match a $60,000 pledge—if you sign up for a recurring monthly donation, your entire year’s contribution counts towards this goal! That means it’s worth twice as much, woo hoo! Any one-time donation also counts to this goal, but by signing up for a recurring donation, you build up our base of support to help us move into the future! You also get some cool stuff, like t-shirts, bumper stickers, Mayday Gala invites, and more.Â
If you cannot donate, please sign up for our newsletter (helps with advertisers and you get our stories and giveaways direct!), follow us and like and share on Facebook and Twitter (helps get our stories out!), tell your favorite business or event to advertise, tell everyone you know about us, and keep reading us every day.Â
We love our community and appreciate your support!! Â